Interview: Sengii Talks

I recently sat down with Sengii Talks to conduct what was one of my favorite interviews of 2020. They asked so many specific questions, I know anyone wanting to learn more about pricing for the association field will learn from these 47 minutes.

Check it out below:

Dr. Michael Tatonetti, CAE, CPP

Dr. Michael Tatonetti is a Certified Association Executive and Certified Pricing Professional on a mission to advance associations in their pricing models for financial sustainability. As a Strategic Consultant and Trainer, he works with associations to harmonize pricing and value across membership, education, sponsorship, events, and marketing.Dr. Michael is a proud Association Forum Forty Under 40 honoree for his dedication to the association field.

After a Year of Free, How to Reset Your Pricing for 2021


Revenue and Pricing Strategies for Virtual Events