Start with Data in Association Pricing

The following is an excerpt from our book, Pricing for Associations, available now on Amazon.

In the complex landscape of association pricing, where strategic decisions impact revenue, member retention, and overall financial sustainability, beginning with data is not just a recommended approach—it's a strategic imperative. Data analysis provides a solid foundation for understanding your audience, the value they perceive in your products, and the pricing strategies that will resonate most effectively. In this chapter, we will explore why data should be the starting point for your association's pricing decisions.

1. Unbiased Insights:

When it comes to association pricing, relying solely on anecdotal evidence or personal opinions can lead to biased and often unreliable conclusions. Without data, decisions might be influenced by what we think we know or by the loudest voices in the room. These subjective judgments can result in pricing strategies that are misaligned with the actual preferences and behaviors of your members and sponsors.

2. Fact-Based Storytelling:

Data is the backbone of fact-based storytelling. It allows you to build a narrative based on concrete evidence rather than assumptions. By analyzing data, you can uncover patterns, trends, and correlations that reveal the true story of how your audience interacts with your products and services. This data-driven storytelling provides a clear and accurate picture of the current state of your association's pricing landscape.

3. Understanding Product Usage:

Data analysis enables you to gain insights into how your audience uses your products and services. You can identify which offerings are most frequently utilized, what features or benefits members find most valuable, and which offerings are underutilized. This understanding helps you tailor your pricing strategies to promote the products that resonate most with your audience.

4. Tiered Pricing Insights:

Associations often offer tiered membership or sponsorship levels with varying benefits and price points. Data allows you to evaluate how members or sponsors engage with different tiers. You can determine which tiers are most popular, which ones are less utilized, and whether there are opportunities to optimize your tiered pricing structure to better align with your audience's preferences.

5. Payment Patterns:

Data analysis can reveal payment patterns and trends. You can examine when and how members or sponsors typically make payments, whether there are seasonal variations, and if there are opportunities to implement subscription-based pricing models or discounts for early renewals.

6. The Complete Story:

In essence, data-driven decision-making in association pricing helps you tell the complete story of your audience's needs, behaviors, and preferences. It goes beyond assumptions and provides you with a comprehensive view of the pricing landscape. Armed with this knowledge, you can craft pricing strategies that are not only effective but also aligned with your association's mission and financial goals.

Dr. Michael Tatonetti, CAE, CPP

Dr. Michael Tatonetti is a Certified Association Executive and Certified Pricing Professional on a mission to advance associations in their pricing models for financial sustainability. As a Strategic Consultant and Trainer, he works with associations to harmonize pricing and value across membership, education, sponsorship, events, and marketing.Dr. Michael is a proud Association Forum Forty Under 40 honoree for his dedication to the association field.

Competitive Data Analysis


The Power of Pricing: Unleashing Profits Through Strategic Pricing